Some bloggers simply tell the truth. They write what is. This can be comforting to the experienced and disconcerting to the novice. I remember a time I wished to see no evil, hear no evil, and certainly speak no evil, even if it were true.
I mean, what the heck...these nurses are so jaded. When in actuality they are merely relaying the day's experiences. Often the veteran nurse has accumulated numerous experiences and truths which can be just plain hard to hear and accept. To the young idealistic nurse, older nurses sound, well, mean!
These blogs exist with their hippa statements and tales to offer camaraderie and solace to the veteran nurses who journey their way. As hard as nursing is there needs to be a place to pick you up and comfort you when the bubble of idealism bursts.
Nursing is a wonderful profession. It takes a special person. It is a hard job. People will abuse you, take advantage of you, lie to you...You will see life begin, end, and all that is in between. You can not remain untouched. It is nice to read that someone, somewhere, at some time, has also been this way, felt this way, and most importantly, survived to stay the course!
Blogs which employ this hard dose of reality therapy include the following:
Maha at Call Bells Make Me Nervous @
Braden @ 20 Out of 10
Take off those rose colored glasses and get to work youngster! We need you!