Nurse's Watch: Conversations on contemporary nursing,
nursing education, leadership, spirituality and blogging.
~Start date February 2010~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introducing Nursing Theory...

Well, I have just started my nursing theory class and I love it. It's kind of heady information but intriguing. Theory is the infrastructure around which nursing is built, defined, and expanded upon. In this class we will be studying different educational philosophies, theories, and how they can be used while teaching patients and students.

At some point, I need to present a project concerning a grand nursing theory. I may use the venue of blogging to present the chosen theory. In my undergraduate nursing course, I prepared a power point, however, utilizing this blog would fit the creative criteria and could possibly be of use to other nursing students in the future. Hmmm, I'll have to think on this....

Well, until I get to the meat of theory and have something more than a few big words to share, I shall close for the day. To all the nursing students out there, hang in there, it's worth it!

Also, just got the word, an A in Applied the skin of my chinny chin chin but I'll take it!

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