Nurse's Watch: Conversations on contemporary nursing,
nursing education, leadership, spirituality and blogging.
~Start date February 2010~
~Start date February 2010~
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Nursing Informatics...
Well, I have survived my first semester in graduate school!!! Yay! While the nerd in me has enjoyed every excruciating minute of it, the human part of me is pooped, sucked dry, devoid of any remaining creativity. Well, maybe not quite....
I have started a nursing wiki. What about that? Every time I think I have accomplished the last computer initiative possible for me, I find another creative avenue to pursue. This was completed as an assistive device for the nursing informatics class I am developing in my curriculum development class. I wanted to utilize the Internet for this class to involve the medium we will be studying. Then I decided it could be used for my current clinical students as well. As alluded to in the humorous picture above, informatics will be increasingly important in the years ahead. Who knows what the future will bring.
I mention this here to offer this creative activity to other aspiring BSN students or MSN graduate students. I watched a video on You Tube where a professor discussed his use of the medium. I read about different free wikis and decided on Wetpaint. This provides a place where I can post class notes, background information, videos, and PowerPoints. I have been very impressed with the ease of the overall process.
While some wikis can be altered by others, I have mine restricted so that only I can change notes. It will be interesting to watch the progress of this site and to 'play' with it as well.
If you are interested in wikis and/or how to use them, I have videos in my wiki called Nursing Class from You Tube about them. These are located in video collection one. Feel free to visit the wiki if you so desire at:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Grand Nursing Theory...

Over the years nurses have attempted to define nursing. From these efforts, numerous theories have emerged. Many might consider these theories rather dry material, and in all honesty, this was probably my first conclusion as well. As I studied nursing theorists, I felt confused by the language. I was at a loss to see the purpose. However, for any students grappling with these same feelings, I would like to encourage you. The more you study them, the more you appreciate these nurses who spent a great deal of time and effort defining our profession, for ultimately this is what delineates a science.
The first nursing theorist was Florence Nightingale. Through the years numerous other nurses added to her theory and expanded upon the ever-changing profession with theories of their own. Defining these nursing theories or categorizing them can be quite a task and many have tried. Tomey and Alligood organized theories by scope. They coined the terms grand theory and middle range theory (McEwen & Wills, 2007). For the purposes of this presentation these are the terms, which will be utilized.
Grand theories are ambitious, abstract, broad and complex (McEwen & Wills, 2007). Middle range theories are more precise when it comes to nursing practice but are also more limited (McEwen & Wills, 2007).
Last year I performed a PowerPoint about Myra Estrin Levine. I found her grand Conservation Theory interesting and clinically applicable. However, this year I am going to study Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. This is one of the most beautiful and ethereal grand theories. Does she incorporate common nursing metaparadigms? Does she utilize the main nursing paradigm consisting of ways of knowing? Is this theory clinically applicable? Can it be used in different settings? Is it realistic? We shall see.
The Philosophy and Science of Caring by Jean Watson
Jean Watson grew up in the Appalachian Mountains, the youngest of eight children (Tomey & Alligood, 1998). She attended the Lewis–Gale School of Nursing, graduated, got married and moved to Colorado with her husband. She then attended the University of Colorado. Here she received her B.S.N., an M.S. in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and later her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring by Jean Watson was first published in 1979 and later updated in 1985, 1988 and 1999 in Caring Science as Sacred Science (Johnson & Webber, 2010). Jean Watson has experienced a long and fruitful career as an instructor, coordinator and director of the Center for Human Caring at the University of Colorado in Denver. She has received numerous awards and grants and is a prolific writer and speaker.
The basis for the theory of human caring revolves around ten carative processes. Watson states that these ten carative processes are the core of nursing, procedures and tasks are the ‘trim.’ “Curing disease is the domain of medicine…the caring stance that nursing has always held is being threatened by tasks and technology (George, 1990).”
The Ten Carative Processes:
1. Humanistic-altruistic system of values
2. Faith-hope
3. Sensitivity to self and others
4. Developing helping-trusting, caring relationship
5. Expressing positive and negative feelings and emotions
6. Creative, individualized, problem-solving caring process
7. Transpersonal teaching-learning
8. Supportive, protective, and/or corrective, mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment
9. Human needs assistance
10. Existential-Phenomenological and spiritual forces
Nursing has at its core the metaparadigm of person, environment, nursing and health.
Watson has defined these in relationship to her theory. Watson’s metaparadigm definitions listed below are from Nursing Theories by Julia George (1990):
Person: “A valued person to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted.”
Environment: “Caring (and nursing) has existed in every society. Every society has had some people who care for others. A caring attitude is not transmitted from generation to generation by genes. It is transmitted by the culture of the profession as a unique way of coping with its environment.”
Nursing: “ A human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions…Nursing involves understanding health, illness and the human experience...”
Health: “Unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul; health is associated with the degree of congruence between the self as perceived and the self as experienced.”
The paradigm of nursing is often represented with Carper's Ways of Knowing. Are ways of knowing included in Jean Watson's theory? Yes, Carper's Ways of Knowing consist of empirical knowing, esthetic knowing, and ethical knowing and personal knowledge. Watson’s definition of nursing includes all these ways of knowing as evidenced by the next quote. "Nursing is a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions (George, 1990)." From casual observation Watson’s Theory of Human Caring probably represents the paradigm of nursing better than any other theory, clearly and succinctly.
As beautiful and inspiring as these concepts sound, are they applicable and practical?
Applying grand nursing theories in any nurse practice setting and evaluating those applications can be difficult. Often qualitative research is necessary. Results of qualitative research are generally not as accepted for making evidence based practice changes as quantitative research methods. However, hopefully this will be changing. Watson states she does believe in the scientific method (empirical evidence) but she also feels that other ways of knowing are necessary to provide the holistic perspective (George, 1990). In order to measure the most beautiful and essential part of nursing, “Watson suggests that qualitative-naturalistic-phenomenological and descriptive phenomenological approaches are more useful (Johnson and Webber, 2010).” Some studies were found where the carative processes were applied with HIV patients and hypertensive patients. Both these studies indicated a positive response to the process of caring.
In conclusion, Jean Watson stated, “Traditional health care is a myth, this is medical care. True health care focuses on life style, social conditions and environment (George, 1990).” This is so true. Time and caring is what sets the nursing profession apart from medicine. As time goes on and the science of nursing continues to move in ever diverse directions, it will be increasingly imperative for nurses to hold fast to their roots in the philosophy of caring. If we lose sight of this aspect of the profession, we will lose the part of our science, which is most noteworthy and desirable, our overall identity.
In conclusion, I wanted to add a beautiful tribute to caring. Consequently, the next two blog posts have videos, which, I feel demonstrate the beauty of caring in song and dance during this month of October, national breast cancer awareness month. These videos reflect what we all know; caring is not unique to nurses. However, as nurses it is what we do and who we are...Put your pink gloves on and enjoy!
Alligood,Martha Raile; Marriner Tomey, Ann. (1998). Nursing Theorists and Their Work (4th ed.). (L. Wilson, Ed.) St Louis: Mosby.
Eichelberger, Lisa Wright; Sitzman, Kathleen. (2004). Understanding the Work of Nurse Theorists : A Creative Beginning. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
George, J. B. (Ed.). (1990). Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton and Lange.
Johnson, B. & Webber, P. (2010). An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing. (3rd edition) Tokyo: Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
McEwen, Melanie; Wills, Evelyn. (2007). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (2nd ed.). (H. Kogut, E. Kors, & M. Zuccarini, Eds.) Philadelpia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
“Theory” creative common license by Diolz Aslant Mohamed. Retrieved from Flickr 10/17/10
“Heart in Hand” creative common license by Eisenbahner. Retrieved from Flickr 10/17/10
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Introducing Nursing Theory...
Well, I have just started my nursing theory class and I love it. It's kind of heady information but intriguing. Theory is the infrastructure around which nursing is built, defined, and expanded upon. In this class we will be studying different educational philosophies, theories, and how they can be used while teaching patients and students.
At some point, I need to present a project concerning a grand nursing theory. I may use the venue of blogging to present the chosen theory. In my undergraduate nursing course, I prepared a power point, however, utilizing this blog would fit the creative criteria and could possibly be of use to other nursing students in the future. Hmmm, I'll have to think on this....
Well, until I get to the meat of theory and have something more than a few big words to share, I shall close for the day. To all the nursing students out there, hang in there, it's worth it!
Also, just got the word, an A in Applied the skin of my chinny chin chin but I'll take it!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Modest Goals...
Well, however, lame this sounds,
my goal for this masters level applied statistics course was rather modest.
My goal?
To survive...
Last time I checked, I still have a pulse!!!
Final, Saturday.
A little bit more coffee and a lot of prayer should do it...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
OK, well, the graduate course I'm in requires statistics...I whined my way through my undergraduate course in statistics and I may cry myself through this one! Actually, however, I do see the importance. At the graduate level whether you intend to teach or perform research, you are ultimately being groomed to lead. I am ready for this change. So, I will suck it up and try not to complain about statistics!
The book we are utilizing does have some way cool quotes though, interspersed between the probability, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and so forth and so on. So in the interest of providing some insight into grad school and statistics I thought I would share some of them with you.
"Statistics are human beings with the tears wiped off." Paul Brodeur
"Statistics is the grammar of science." Karl Pearson
"Statistics are no substitute for judgment." Henry Clay
"A judicious man uses statistics, not to get knowledge, but to save himself from having ignorance foisted upon him." Thomas Carlyle (My personal favorite!)
Lastly, for all our nurses out there,
"Developing evidence-based practice is an important way to get your ideas implemented, improve the health of the American people, and move the profession forward into the 21st century." Dr. Patricia Grady
That's all for now... three more weeks and counting... not whining, just stating a fact! ;)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sorry for the slightly, overly dramatic title. I finished my B.S.N. and August 17th I started my Masters in Nursing Education! I am so excited! Wow, the R.N. to B.S.N. program I was in was very difficult but I believe that it has prepared me well for a M.S.N. program. Is there anything a true nerd loves better? Probably not. I have learned a great deal. For those considering possibly continuing their education may I offer some insights:
1) People constantly would ask me how in the world I was managing. I work full-time and am a full-time student. The key to perseverance? Plan, study, keep your head down, utilize every second and complete the task at hand....Just do the next thing. Don't look ahead, worry, and fret. It accomplishes nothing. Remember this is for a season, not forever.
2) Elicit help from your family. This commitment after all is for them too. My kids would bring me snacks and my husband ran the show. For a long time I mourned not being able to be supermom anymore but he works part-time and I am our main support. Life is what it is....
3) I did worry that perhaps the investment was too great since I was fifty when I started this journey and I will be fifty-three when I finish my M.S.N. However, as a friend astutely noted, I'm going to be fifty-three anyway! Yes...Yes, I am, good Lord willing.
4) Anything worth having is worth working for, consequently plan on sequestering yourself and studying. Also, if you are planning on attending graduate school, grades are important.
5) I was lucky in that we have a study in our house. Here I could close the doors , put my ear plugs in and immerse myself in the task at hand. If the family is underfoot and you need to study consider the library, staying over at work, or hijacking your bedroom for your very own.
6) Organization is extremely important. This is something I have to work at, not an innate gift. However, rearing six active homeschooling children has probably helped me acquire some of these skills. Calendars are a must. Syncing phone calenders and computers are great technological advances.
7) The internet is indispensable. At the very end of my program our internet cable was cut by local builders. I ended up getting an i-phone so I could tether to my computer to hand in some documents and I spent time at my daughter's house. If you on-line school, have a back-up plan for internet...don't wait till the crisis happens.
8) It helps to have a friend. I was very blessed during my program to have one. Often on nights when we were working on projects, text messages of humor and complaint would fly back and forth over the airwaves. Yes, a friend is good. Thanks Nikki :)
9) Go for it! A B.S.N. is becoming more and more necessary. I love working as a staff nurse. However, in our area of the country floor nursing is about all you can do without a B.S.N. Realize that in the future the day will inevitably come when you are tired of required overtime, tired of being short staffed, or just plain tired. You may be to the point where you simply want more...Prepare now!
10) With more education comes more opportunity, more options, more independence and more autonomy...Yes, that pretty more sums it up. The older and wiser you get the more you will desire these intangibles.
More later on how to begin...
1) People constantly would ask me how in the world I was managing. I work full-time and am a full-time student. The key to perseverance? Plan, study, keep your head down, utilize every second and complete the task at hand....Just do the next thing. Don't look ahead, worry, and fret. It accomplishes nothing. Remember this is for a season, not forever.
2) Elicit help from your family. This commitment after all is for them too. My kids would bring me snacks and my husband ran the show. For a long time I mourned not being able to be supermom anymore but he works part-time and I am our main support. Life is what it is....
3) I did worry that perhaps the investment was too great since I was fifty when I started this journey and I will be fifty-three when I finish my M.S.N. However, as a friend astutely noted, I'm going to be fifty-three anyway! Yes...Yes, I am, good Lord willing.
4) Anything worth having is worth working for, consequently plan on sequestering yourself and studying. Also, if you are planning on attending graduate school, grades are important.
5) I was lucky in that we have a study in our house. Here I could close the doors , put my ear plugs in and immerse myself in the task at hand. If the family is underfoot and you need to study consider the library, staying over at work, or hijacking your bedroom for your very own.
6) Organization is extremely important. This is something I have to work at, not an innate gift. However, rearing six active homeschooling children has probably helped me acquire some of these skills. Calendars are a must. Syncing phone calenders and computers are great technological advances.
7) The internet is indispensable. At the very end of my program our internet cable was cut by local builders. I ended up getting an i-phone so I could tether to my computer to hand in some documents and I spent time at my daughter's house. If you on-line school, have a back-up plan for internet...don't wait till the crisis happens.
8) It helps to have a friend. I was very blessed during my program to have one. Often on nights when we were working on projects, text messages of humor and complaint would fly back and forth over the airwaves. Yes, a friend is good. Thanks Nikki :)
9) Go for it! A B.S.N. is becoming more and more necessary. I love working as a staff nurse. However, in our area of the country floor nursing is about all you can do without a B.S.N. Realize that in the future the day will inevitably come when you are tired of required overtime, tired of being short staffed, or just plain tired. You may be to the point where you simply want more...Prepare now!
10) With more education comes more opportunity, more options, more independence and more autonomy...Yes, that pretty more sums it up. The older and wiser you get the more you will desire these intangibles.
More later on how to begin...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Structured guidance in blurry situations...
In our Professional Nursing Issues class we recently had to post an ethical dilemma which we had encountered in our professional lives as nurses. We were then to back up our action or non-action with the Code of Ethics for Nurses from the ANA. This has been an excellent way to learn the Code of Ethics. I found this made me read it once as an overview and then read it again to find the parts which backed up my choices during times of ethical uncertainty. We then read everyone elses post to ascertain which parts of the code may or may not apply to their situation. I'll have to remember this...We always remember things better when we can apply it to real life. Now, the code is no longer ethical mumbo jumbo to me but a professional guide available to all nurses when ethical boundaries can become blurry.
The Code of Ethics for Nursing is beautifully written and morally compatible with my personal beliefs and the history of our profession. How nice it would be if nurses would care for others selflessly just because it's the right thing to do. Yes, I am an idealist. Until that day however, we can access the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses here.
"Sweetest Lord, make me appreciative of the dignity of my high vocation, and its many responsibilities. Never permit me to disgrace it by giving way to coldness, unkindness, or impatience."
Mother Teresa
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I'm ready for recess!
Sorry for the lack of posts. Summer school is, well, quick! Midterms have passed and the final is June 28th! Working on my formal paper for this semester and I can not believe that I am saying this but APA format is finally getting a little easier. Ugh!
I am in Community Health this semester and the funniest thing is that I didn't realize I am a community health nurse now?! Working at the Center for Pediatric Medicine we see NICU grads to seventeen year olds. Amazing. I have learned so much.
OK, so back to the paper...I have decided to write about vaccine controversies. This has actually been a very interesting topic, perhaps I'll share some of the details later. For now, I best get back to work.
Last update on school...graduate school here I come!!! Yay! I am Charleston Southern bound and I am so excited! I'll be working on my MSN in Nursing Education starting in August....combining the two things I love nursing and education!
Finally, Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there. You are indispensible!!!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
This is my last semester before completing my B.S.N. at the first of August, if I can survive two more months! Somewhere in the distance I am sure I hear the theme song to Rocky echoing...What I have learned is tremendous. It has been difficult, certainly, but well worth the struggle.
Hopefully, this fall I will begin work on my masters. It is then that strains of the theme song to Chariots of Fire will began to play gently in the background of my life, as I run in slow motion down the beach, for the next eighteen months! Hmmm, this actually is a funny mental picture since I could not run around the block without gasping for breath and needing supplemental oxygen! Ironically, however, I can't wait... I think?
I am a true nerd at heart. I really enjoy school which is why a Masters in Nursing Education degree fits me perfectly. Plus the fact that I have home-schooled my children and prepared each of them to enter college. I guess hindsight truly is always 20/20!
I am a true nerd at heart. I really enjoy school which is why a Masters in Nursing Education degree fits me perfectly. Plus the fact that I have home-schooled my children and prepared each of them to enter college. I guess hindsight truly is always 20/20!
I read a quote last night from, What Color Is Your Parachute? 2010 by Richard Bolles that epitomizes career satisfaction. Bolles states that God gives us each a unique talent that only we can perform, He guides us toward this talent, which He has lodged in us, through our hearts. This talent usually gives us the greatest pleasure while exercising it and it is usually the one that, when we use it, causes us to lose all sense of time!"
Wow! I have done that...I have been so involved in moments at work that I lost all sense of time, while at the moment felt incredible peace and satisfaction. I am working, but there is a sense of ultimate fulfillment and sheer joy. A knowledge that for that moment in time, I was where I was supposed to be, doing what I was supposed to be doing. It reminds me of the Bible verse in Esther chapter four, verse fourteen, " And who knows but that you have come to this position for such a time as this?" For such a time as this, indeed...
Consequently, for all nurses out there, I encourage you to look for these moments. Find your mission, your true calling, and work will seem less like drudgery and more like your gift which you can hand back to the Father some day with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction.
Does this mean that I know completely where I am going and what I will be doing? No, but it means I have a vision and a desire which I will follow with God's help. Look for your gift. He gave you something unique only you can bring to this profession if you will...
~ Remember ~
"What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God." ~Eleanor Powell
Sunday, May 2, 2010
He conquers who endures. ~Persius
While visiting around the other night, I happened upon the doorstep of a quite inspiring soon-to-be nurse. He is currently finishing his BSN and his wife is a pediatric icu nurse. He has posted a piece called, Abstract Thinking. It is phenomenal! Here is an excerpt.
I bring a multi-disciplinary point of view that has always centered about pediatrics and holism. As an older student I bring life experience, world experience, parenting experience. I have seen things, done things, experienced things that help me to meet people where they are; to respect, if not understand different points of view. My previous clinical doctorate affords me the essential basic skills of assessment, diagnosis, and perhaps most importantly, critical thinking.
This was written in an effort to obtain an externship. If he didn't get it, it is definitely their loss. Feel free to visit him at Nurse XY. You will be inspired, I promise!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I Survived...
Well, this nursing student has survived this semester to see another one. This blog was started for my Nursing Literacy class. It was phenomenal and by far my favorite class! Sigh... Soon I will begin my last semester to complete my B.S.N. Yay!!!
So what, you may ask, am I going to 'do' with myself for the three weeks off. Ahhhh, garden, work, BREATHE!!! Oh, and start studying for the GRE. Don't ya know that will be fun.
In the meantime I will continue to visit nursing blogs (hence Nurse's Watch), post information to assist other RN to BSN students, and examine our profession and the conversation that is going on out there.
See ya :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Ragbag ~ A little bit of this and a tad of that...
Today I visited with a lovely young lady who is a labor and delivery nurse. You know that stole my heart. I found it interesting that she was having a book give away and asked the questions: How did you find me? Do you have a blog? and What do you think about nursing blogs and their contributions to the profession? Wow, very coincidental and convenient! I had fun reading the comments. My favorite was by St. Catherine.
I believe that most healthcare blogs help the healthcare industry. They provide a way for a patient or a prospective healthcare worker to peer inside the life of a nurse. Why should a professional nurse's thoughts, ideas, or feelings remain secret? Patients and prospective nurses alike, gain insight on what it takes to be a nurse. Fellow nurses share in your challenges and joys. I think it's a win-win situation.
St. Catherine can be found at Highs, Lows, and Career Changing Woes which is located at @ She states her blog is about "A Girl's Journey From Dropping Out of Law School to Becoming a Nurse." Wow, with a name like St. Catherine Alexandria you know I'm going to be popping in! Note to self: I love her musical selections! Oh yeah....
Anyway, Prisca's blog is called N is for Nurse @ I found her blog an interesting mix, a little bit of this and a tad of that which we are going to dub a Ragbag ( creative little word search from the word mixture). Great little visit; which may be why I had saved it. Enjoy!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Rest well and good night...
I found another wonderful blog! It falls under several of our previous titles. It is warm, funny, insightful and informational. I enjoyed visiting with this "lady of the night." Her blog is called Night Time Nursing. She introduces herself as follows:
"I'm Tracey, a 32 year old critical care RN who works the 12 hour night shift. I now work as a critical care resource nurse. I started this blog as a way to deal with the stress that nursing has delt me. They say getting it all off your chest is the best therapy.
I also wanted a way to remember some of the more special stories. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments as you please."
Immediately, I took a liking to this nurse. As previously discussed many nurses do write to reflect and remember. Her posts were well written and positive. I encourage you to drop by one evening for a visit.
Tracy @ Night Time Nursing
The photograph for this post pictures a hospital at night. It looks quite a lot like where I worked nights several years ago. Though I found it physically draining, I loved the camaraderie the night shift shared. This team spirit and support was not to be found on days.
Years later I spoke with a nursing buddy who worked nights and managed to enjoy it, not simply endure. I explained what I had felt like physically and my usual daily schedule. She responded,"No wonder you felt awful, you were living on both sides of the clock! You can't do that and enjoy nights." Thanks Beth, wise words and true. To all our night nurses, thank you! Our own Florence Nightingale was called "the lady with the lamp." You are following in a grand tradition.
Years later I spoke with a nursing buddy who worked nights and managed to enjoy it, not simply endure. I explained what I had felt like physically and my usual daily schedule. She responded,"No wonder you felt awful, you were living on both sides of the clock! You can't do that and enjoy nights." Thanks Beth, wise words and true. To all our night nurses, thank you! Our own Florence Nightingale was called "the lady with the lamp." You are following in a grand tradition.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Ridiculous and Just Plain Funny...

Some nursing blogs are just plain funny. They tell their own funny misadventures in nursing and host a spot for others to air their tales. Now I think most nurses would agree that getting through a twelve plus hour shift without engaging in a little irreverent humor occasionally would be hard. As the old saying goes we laugh so we don't cry. Is this revelant? You bet! We all need a smile every now and again!
Please feel free to visit Tex at Weird Nursing Tales
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Rampage ~ Gripe ~ Diatribe
How does this contribute to our profession? Is it revelant? I say yes. If a nurse doesn't want to participate or feels uncomfortable with the conversation she can always visit elsewhere. However, for many it can be equated to the team spirit gained through sports participation. Although most nurses would probably argue it is more akin to the comraderie gained from the battlefield. Either way, commiserating can be healthy.
As I stated before most blogs contribute to this dialog at some time or other but today's featured blog is :
Jo @ Head Nurse
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Revolutionary Recruits ~ In union there is strength. ~ Aesop
Some nursing blogs read much like lunch with a friend. Yes, this is a compliment. Reading these blogs and the comments that follow is like listening to the hum of collegues conversing. This blogging chitchat covers the trials of nursing school, jobs, and home life. The excitement, the trials, the insecurities, the holidays, paychecks, and long hours are lamented. The struggles innate in the profession are exposed, discussed and understood. The result is voices of encouragement.
How revelant is this conversation? Is this sharing of ideas contributing to the profession? Yes, indeed, "in union there is strength." Commiserating together is human nature. Everyone likes to have friends support and encourage them, even online. Blogs which hold these conversations on life are below.
How revelant is this conversation? Is this sharing of ideas contributing to the profession? Yes, indeed, "in union there is strength." Commiserating together is human nature. Everyone likes to have friends support and encourage them, even online. Blogs which hold these conversations on life are below.
Nursapalooza @
Savor the discussion... The photograph above is by otisarchives3 at Flickr's Creative Commons. It pictures US Army nurses, 1st Reserve Hospital, Manila in the Spanish-American War. How exciting. What brave, young women.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Restore, Remember, Mend, Cure ~ The healing art of beauty....
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir
Many nursing blogs are simply beautiful. Though they may occasionally refer to their life and work, poetry, photography, and humor are featured most often. Spiritual encouragement may also be present. These blogs are often visually alluring and quite comforting.
The nurse may muse over daily life, children, or hobbies; his or her work as a nurse is not the full focus of the blog. When nursing stories do emerge in these blogs, they often take on reflective, meditative, prayerful qualities. The details of the cases remain broad and elusive, while the nurses try to make sense of the drama played out before their eyes.
Examples of blogs which offer this type of respite include:
A Tidings of Magpies
Mops and Pops Place
Even online...a nurse's work is never done.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Reality ~ "Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"
Some bloggers simply tell the truth. They write what is. This can be comforting to the experienced and disconcerting to the novice. I remember a time I wished to see no evil, hear no evil, and certainly speak no evil, even if it were true.
I mean, what the heck...these nurses are so jaded. When in actuality they are merely relaying the day's experiences. Often the veteran nurse has accumulated numerous experiences and truths which can be just plain hard to hear and accept. To the young idealistic nurse, older nurses sound, well, mean!
These blogs exist with their hippa statements and tales to offer camaraderie and solace to the veteran nurses who journey their way. As hard as nursing is there needs to be a place to pick you up and comfort you when the bubble of idealism bursts.
Nursing is a wonderful profession. It takes a special person. It is a hard job. People will abuse you, take advantage of you, lie to you...You will see life begin, end, and all that is in between. You can not remain untouched. It is nice to read that someone, somewhere, at some time, has also been this way, felt this way, and most importantly, survived to stay the course!
Blogs which employ this hard dose of reality therapy include the following:
Maha at Call Bells Make Me Nervous @
Braden @ 20 Out of 10
Take off those rose colored glasses and get to work youngster! We need you!
photo by AllyAubrey at Flickr
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Reflection ~ "If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad." ~ Lord Byron
There are several nurses who blog about stories from work. At these sites the nurses are anonymous and they change patient's names so that privacy is maintained. Often these stories involve encouraging, sad, or stressful, encounters which are posted almost in an effort at self therapy.
Nurses work crazy hours. Often the last thing they want to do is talk about problems at work. Blogging is akin to having a silent friend that absorbs the situation like a sponge, without the further energy drain of having to speak. Nurses are able to hash out the details and relive the event in the safety and comfort of home. This is very akin to the art of reflection which we are studying in our professional development class right now.
So it appears sometimes a nurse's blog is a professional reflection on cases and clients.
Examples of blogs which reflect on work are listed below.
One Nurse @ Heartbeats of Faith
Julie @ Wife.Mom.Nurse
If you go to these sites be prepared to be inspired and shed a tear or two. Please note that tissues are optional. Also, I love the photograph pictured above. This one is supplied by Tony the Misfit at Flickr's Creative Commons. It is photograph of the nurse's memorial located in Arlington National Cemetary. It makes me proud of the heroic sacrifices that our fellow nurse's have made through the years.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Exploring Nursing Blogs ~ Welcome to Nurse's Watch...
Alright here we go...Blogging and It's Relevancy for Nursing, this is what I would like to explore. I will try and do this by finding as many nurse blogs as I can and evaluating why they blog, the format they use, and the content and purpose of the blog. Can these ramblings and musings add to the profession?
I know that some nurses blog to let off steam. Most have HIPPA statements. I personally have never read any account that had enough information attached which could compromise patient privacy. Although I personally know nurses who have been reprimanded for their Facebooks which included pictures at work involving a willing mother and child? Hmmmm...So can social networking and blogging be hazardous to your job...maybe. Many bloggers are anonymous and this could be why.
A blog is probably preferable to a wiki in that no one but the blogger can change, edit or delete information....much safer.
We will examine several nursing blogs and hopefully through our internet wanderings will discover what makes nurse bloggers tick! What does this medium have to offer the profession as a whole?
I have started a new blog called Nurse's Watch for this purpose. Nurse's Watch will host a conversation on nursing blogs and their relevancy and purpose. The blogs which will be observed will be linked to this page. Feel free to tag along...
I love the photo above. It is from a memorial dedicated to World War medical personnel located in Pittsburgh, PA. It is called Caduceus: Detail of Giuseppe Moretti's 1922 Bronze "Hygeia."
I love the photo above. It is from a memorial dedicated to World War medical personnel located in Pittsburgh, PA. It is called Caduceus: Detail of Giuseppe Moretti's 1922 Bronze "Hygeia."
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